Tips for Upgrading the latest Mobile OS


Exploring the New OS: Tips Before You Dive In

The latest OS has impressive features that promise to enhance your device's capabilities. We recommend watching some of the latest tutorial videos to harness this new OS's power.

Before You Update, Consider the Following:

  • Version: If tech jargon and troubleshooting aren't your things, you might want to wait for the subsequent releases. The initial version (e.g., .0) often comes with minor bugs that are typically ironed out in the next iteration (e.g., .1). So, if you prefer a smoother experience, consider waiting for version .1 or later.

  • Hardware Compatibility: Upgrading to the latest software on older hardware might result in performance issues. Ensure your device is compatible for optimal performance. We recommend upgrading to the latest OS, even if your device is a little older, as long as it is compatible but this way, you get to utilize the new features! Just know it may be a little slower. 

  • Application Updates: Before making the OS leap, update all your applications. Need help? Here's how:

  • Backup: It's always wise to back up your data before any major software change. Here's a quick guide:

  • Timing: The update process can take up to an hour. Ensure you choose a time when you won't need to use your device urgently.



tags: iPhone, iPad, mobile phone, cell phone, Google, Android, iOS, smart phone, tablet